#20 Do you remember?

What it is to love someone with all your heart and selflessness. Maybe I never felt it. I do remember being head over heels, and the feeling of not being able to drag my feet – but I don’t remember how it felt. The fear even stops me from experiencing it again. The fear ofContinue reading “#20 Do you remember?”

#19 Fear of Intimacy

Not so much intimacy, but the rational fear of coming in between two people. Can that also develop? Be it getting acquainted well with fiancĂ©e of a cousin, thinking that I don’t ruin their relationship in some way, or what if they fight for something I did as I am his sister and, she isContinue reading “#19 Fear of Intimacy”

#18 Kiss that Never Happened

We have known each other for far too long. We are friends since childhood, and we can’t risk losing this tight bond. From being neighbors to friends in different countries, we have seen a lot of parts in each other’s lives. We have seen us go through turmoils and relationships. And thank God, we haveContinue reading “#18 Kiss that Never Happened”

#14 Dating, is it?

Just after a random conversation, a friend of mine from college asked if we should date. It shocked me, as I never thought that way, for him. He recently became a good friend, but I never expected that he might feel a certain way. Dating- a thought that shakes me a bit. I never feelContinue reading “#14 Dating, is it?”

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