#12 Love the chase?

What you do when you feel the affection for someone in your bones?

Is this what it is to be in love? Or is it just being too close to the emotion of it. What is it when you wait for just their text to drop in your inbox? Is it really an obsession or is it real? When you listen to songs and can’t think of anyone else. When you are drunk and you want to dial their number. When even after spending your day with your friends and family, at the end of the night you wish – you wish for them to be near you, and no one else.

You may not be depressed, but life seems a little less without their presence in it. Without exchanging a glance. Without hearing their voice.

Do you always chase something you can’t easily have? What is the psychology behind it, anyways? You never appease to things or people that easily fall in your lap. You aim for the tougher. You like the struggle. You, Love the chase.

Published by Lost Moon

Am not sure if I overthink, or I think the right amount to what everyone should.

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